I am sorry for the incorrect conclusions.

I merely said I could not get it to freeze on my system, this is a personal option.

But I did not expect to my comments thrust down my throat.



On 22/03/16 13:04, Marcel Kilgus wrote:
Derek Stewart wrote:
The common thing in your You Tube Videos is you are using a Windows
operating System.

If I can not get QPC2 and SMSQmulator to freeze then the fault lies on
the host operating system.

No, no and no. This is a false conclusion. When your choice is "the
bug is in a system used by billions of people and designed by hundreds
of highly paid engineers with the latest security measures currently
available" and "the bug is in a system used by a few hundred people
and programmed by a handful of developers and hobbyists with no
protection whatsoever" then the problem is usually not with the

Once again, SMSQ/E does not have any kind of memory protection and by
the first look this is a memory corruption issue. The problem with
memory corruption is that it's almost impossible to debug and the
program failing is often not the one corrupting the memory. Just
trying to debug the issue often makes it go away (this type of bug
even has a name: "Heisenbug") or makes it manifest in another area.

Just saving a file seems to help mitigate the issue, which could just
mean that it alters the memory layout slightly and thus corrupt a less
obvious or even unused part of memory. Who knows. Timing is also often
a thing, just a millisecond here or there can make a difference.

I'll try to get a stack trace, but I have not much hope that this is
easy to track down.


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