
We can increase the hardware receive FIFO size of the UART if you think
there is a problem. The Qzero FPGA has sufficient resources.

We'd need to find out how long the SMSQ/E SD card driver will disable
the serial interrupt - if it actually does.

Yes it does.

What happens with data trickling in from something like a serial port, is that it is put into a buffer, i.e. the slave blocks. When one slave block is full (it has the same size as a sector on the card, i.e. 512 bytes), it is flagged as being ready to be written back to the disk (or card). At the next poll interrupt the slave block then gets written out. During that time interrupts are disabled (status reg = $2200). If, for some reason, several slave blocks can be written out at once, they will go in the same interrupt.

Question: I don't use sernet, but I do know that some use it. Has anybody ever lost data transferred to the Q68 via sernet?


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