On Tue, 6 Feb 2001 at 22:40:25, Peter Graf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Dilwyn wrote:
>>Same here really. While I'd love to buy a Q40 or Q60, space
>>considerations, wife's considerations etc etc mean one computer space
>>is all I'm allowed now. (In fact the small size of the MinisQL and a
>>monitor switchbox meant I could have two in the space of one! although
>>I mainly use the QPC2 system).
>BTW I have used the same case for a Q60. (Thanks to Keith.) Possible, but
>it means a lot of tinkering since Tony Firshman has not yet developed a Q60
>Mini-Backplane ;-)))

What had you in mind, or is that just a joke?

I had thought idly of an ISA slot extender.....

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