At 10:19 рм 21/5/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Well if politics in the UK is like over here (US) most politicians start 
>out as
>lawyers and if your career pool starts out with the bottom of the barrel like
>that what can you expect. On top of that elections are won by ad campaigns and
>money which doubles the problem. But even though your vote seems futile it 
>even be worse. Being able to vote sets limits that all politicians find 
>to cross. So perhaps you are voting to prevent your worst nightmares 
>instead of
>your fondest dreams. In the market place you often can not do that which 
>is why
>we have Microsoft.
>-- Bill

And to the (very pereceptive) observations of Bill I might add... 
AT&T/Bell/Verizon :-)


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