Dilwyn Jones wrote:
> Does anyone have experience of using Windoze-specific printers from
> SMSQ/E? I notice that QPC2v2 has a facility to allow its PAR port to
> be defined as 'printer'
> My local computer shop has some very cheap colour Epson printers which
> would be good as a backup printer, as my BJ10 is getting rather old
> and noisy.
> I appreciate I won't be able to program the printer using ESC codes
> etc, but would I be able to use it at all from QPC2 (or anything else
> running on the P*? (asterisk inserted to avoid offending Claus and
> Peter!)
> Another possibility: if I could print on this printer, I could then
> shift the BJ10 either to my wife's laptop or to my Aurora system and
> network the lot of them using Sernet.
> Which opens another can of worms...Sernet with more than 2 stations
> and 'circular' serial cabling - anyone got that one to work either?
> --
> Dilwyn Jones

Dilwyn are the Windoze specific Epson's that much cheaper than the Dos
capable ones?
My 740 has both USB and PAR ports, USB goes to the PC and PAR to the
Q40, magic! no need for printer switches or swapping cables. ( have not
been daft enough to try printing from both at the same time yet)

All the best - Bill

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