At 04:22 μμ 4/1/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>Talking about Greek Currency, as we were .....
>didn't the Athens branch of the Abbey National have to close down
>because they couldn't make a Drachma out of a crisis !
>(You might need a memory that goes back a few years to figure that one out

Hmmm you lost me here :-) Please elaborate :-)
And what is Abbey National... (A Bank I presume????) If yes British banks 
in Greece (with the exception of Barclays) deal ONLY with the shipping 
business and although I would very much like to be one I am not a shipping 
magnate... Would be good though if my last name was Onassis ;-) I would 
have single-handedly saved the QL ;-) HEHE


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