On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Malcolm Cadman wrote:

> If the hardware developers can successfully co-operate then it will
> benefit all of us, as users have different needs, as well as different
> amounts that they can afford to spend.

I am communicating with both the Q60 and goldfire developers. Obviously,
both of them want their platform supported first, and I'm aiming for where
the market is, which is right between them ;)

Here are the key points: The EtherQL will be 100% compatible (bar base
address) with the ethernet which is (and already was) planned for
Goldfire. That part of Goldfire has already progressed well along the
development path. The important thing is to leverage the drivers and
software that would be developed, to make them available to QL-based and
QX0-based machines too. Obviously the first release will fit the QL-base,
because that's what the majority of developers (and customers) have.
Shortly afterwards, a software/driver identical version will be released
for the Q60. The main difference will be the Q60 will support full 10/100
operation, whereas on a base QL, 100 mbit operation will have to be

If we plan right, the port will also be able to emulate an ultra-fast
traditional net port.

The drivers and software issue is more complicated. I'm reaching out now
to those people who have knowledge in the area. I would like to see simple
SuperBASIC socket-handling commands and C libraries supporting it at
launch, and at least one functional program for web, mail and telnet that
works with the card. These people will have cards long before the general

If anyone else out there is willing and capable to help in one of these
projects, I will happily support you and provide you with any information
you need. If you write software you think you could charge 5 quid for,
I'll happily publish it for you. If you are happy to do it for free, I'll
provide the download site, and bundle it with the card. Registered
developers :) will of course get the most up-to-date and detailed
specs, and first access to the hardware when it is ready. Either way, I
look forward to working with you all...


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