On  Sat, 23 Feb 2002 at 10:12:18, you wrote:

>At 01:33 μμ 23/2/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>>On 22 Feb 2002, at 17:40, Phoebus R. Dokos wrote:
>> > You mean 1 day your total trip in France and the Tunnel because
>> >from
>> what I
>> > hear the TGV drops to 5 km/h (well okay I exaggerate a tad!) after it
>> > surfaces in Britain
>>yes, and that only if everybody goes and and pushes...
>Hehe that's what I've been told too ;-) (Despite what Tony says ;-))))
Well when you have travelled on Eurostar 30 times, you can come to your
own conclusions (8-)#
>Can't be all that bad though at least the trains keep on going.... It
>could be worse :-)
>(Example of worse: Having the Acela TGV in the US.
>You get the world's best train technology and you turn it into an
>expensive commuter train
>that breaks down most of the time!)
Yes - NA should be shot for their lack of good trains.
There was a 'train' in the schedule from Montreal to Windsor (last NA QL
show) When I got there I found that the 'train' from Montreal was in
fact a bus.  Well not even that, as it wasn't running!
No wonder though - the single track line is dominated by 1 mile long
freight trains at a running pace.

I expect most commuter trains are OK, but they know nothing about fast
long distance.
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