At 03:46 μμ 12/4/2002, Al Feng wrote:

>BTW.  You may want to elaborate as to any OTHER (?) hassles that
>*Europeans* apparently encounter when accepting funds through PayPal
>since it sounds as though you have already made transfers between the US
>& individuals in Europe.

Hi Al,
first of all I have two PayPal accounts... one for here and one for Europe...
It didn't use to be like this but for about 6 mos. now, any NON-US 
resident-Paypal user, has to be charged and return the charge authorization 
code. That happens because banking (for the most part) is private 
information (unlike the US) and PayPal has no right to find out your data.
Second is that any international transaction (ANY except between US and 
Canada but this is about to change as well) was until last month subject to 
two fees:

1. The recipient of the money was paying a fee and
2. The sender of the money was paying a fee as well (2,5%)

After VISA became seriously annoyed by this (it's after all illegal to 
charge a credit card holder both in Europe and the US) they did away with 
fee no. 1 and decreased the international transaction fee to 1%.

And for users that don't come from France, the UK or the Netherlands (and 
IIRC Gernany now as well) it is IMPOSSIBLE to receive money unless you have 
a bank account in the US...
Many of these problems were unknown to me unless I started trading with the 
CF adapters...


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