On Sun, 19 May 2002, Bill Waugh wrote:

> Well I have to tell you guys if as much effort had gone into code as has
> gone into nitpicking and general etimewasting then we would have the Space
> Shuttle running on SMSQE by now ( just don't enter any very long planet
> names though ).

I wouldn't really call it nitpicking or timewasting. The license under 
which SMSQ is eventually released will have a dramatic effect on the 
future of the platform. A few of us developers (I count myself as the most 
recent developer, but many others have been around since the mid-80's) 
have reservations about this license. Lots of heated discussion, little 

Very important, all the same.

I've already made my business decision. SMSQ under this license would not 
be relevant to the future of the QL scene, because no commercial developer 
could work with any feeling of security under it.

If people aren't comfortable, they'll use something else they are 
comfortable with.


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