On 19 May 2002, at 13:07, Mike MacNamara wrote:

> I agree entirely with Bill, having spent many thousands of pounds
> running several businesses with QLs and SMSQ/E, including Q40. We
> stopped because of the lack of development keeping pace with the
> market. I was delighted when SMSQ/E was made open source, and
> looked forward to a revival in QL fortunes, alas, this is not so,
> its not to be open source, which is more to do with vested
> interests trying to 'grab the ball', than with what will be best
> for QL users, and th QL. I may say that if TT had provided the
> support promised to Qubide, Q40 and SMSQ/E, we may have still
> been running 8 QLs full time, and spending a goodly sum each year
> with traders, to TTs benefit. I, as a user, only see that TT at
> last has given access to code, that is long overdue( never mind
> copyrights, what about my rights, I have paid good money on the
> promise of continuing development. I feel badly treated in this.)
> and should have happened years ago. Now the pack are fighting
> over the bones. At the end of the day it is we users who decide
> to continue with support for the QL, or  to go elsewhere and let
> the predators starve to death.
> Whats wrong with the Linux setup, it works.  SMSQ would work as
> well, even if there were a couple of versions, that at least adds
> competition to differant systems and leads to healthy
> development.

(comments on TT disregarded)
Well, believe it or not, that's exaxctly what we are trying to achieve -
 get some more development poured into SMSQ/E.
Some just find the way we are trying to do it inacceptable.
I still think that that is a pity.


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