Leaving aside opinion here are the benchmarks obtained from QPC2v3.02 on an
AthalonXP 1700+, with windows ME, Gforce4 MX420 64MB graphics card and 256MB
SDRAM versus a Q60 80Mhz 32MB with no graphics accelerator and slower ram,
with copyback cache mode enabled or writethrough cache mode enabled using
the Dhrystones benchmark v2.1 and compiled by the GCC compiler courtesy of
Thierry Godefroy.

                                QPC2v3.02               Q60 copyback    Q60writethrough
                                SMSQ/E 2b99             SMSQ/E 2.98     SMSQ/E 2.98

Microseconds for        20.6                                    10.3                   
one run through

Dhrystones                      48543.7                         96711.8         46729
per second

VAX MIPS rating         27.629                          55.044          26.596

They show that the Q60 at full speed is faster than QPC2 (~x2) on a
reasonably fast modern PC system capable of the state of the art games but
with the cache optimised(Q60 slowed down) for compatibility especially with
Qliberated programs the speed of the two systems is similar.

Without knowing much about the relative performance of PC processors I would
not be suprised if QPC2 ran at about the same rate on a celeron 1.8GH as an
Athalon 1700XP as the actual athalon processor speed is 1.46Gh but it has
larger caches than the celeron and is optimised to give a faster

My advice is to get both but as a human you might not notice major
differences in performance between your two systems. The benchmarks also
show that for running QDOS/SMSQ/E the Q60 is up there head to head with
state of the art PC hardware. The question is how can SMSQ/E be run even
faster on native hardware as PC hardware will go faster and faster as time
goes by - multiple 68060 processors on a Q60 board?

Duncan Neithercut

-----Original Message-----
Bill Waugh
Sent: 17 November 2002 04:46
Subject: [ql-users] One box or two

Hi all
I would appreciate some help ( with out starting a QPC/Qxx discuss )

Having sold my Q40 to help fund a Q60 I now have thoughts about QPC.
I know the arguments for and against both and I have QPC2 v3 demo.
The unknown ( to me ) factor is speed, sure the Q60/80 is advertised as
160 bogomips but I would be purchasing a Q60/60.
So would some kind soul's furnish me with the following if possible

1. speed of Q60/60 in bogomips
2. speed of QPC2 v3 on a 1.8 gh celeron based PC in bogomips

I'm quite aware that benchmarks are not the be all and end all, but they
are a factor to consider along with others, I have spare cash at the
moment to purchase a Q60 but it could be used on other projects, oooh
decisions decisions.

I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure,

All the best - Bill

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