On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, James Hunkins wrote:

> I understand the desire for some kind of central 'organizational' place
> for the efforts (assuming that there are more than just 2 or 3 people)
> working on this kind of project.  But I also understand Marcel's
> 'reluctance' to participate - presumably from a bad experience(s) with
> one.

I think it is really important for people to explain how they see it
working. Here's what I see:

A site that's merely a resource, to provide up/download facilities for
coders, and some form of communication, be it mailing list or bulletin
board. There would be a web site that reports what people are working on,
but doesn't allocate work or resources - it's merely there so developers
and interested people can see what work is in progress.

It should also have basic support for SMSQ/E, and a test/bug report
feature that lets people report bugs and have the message automatically go
to Wolfgang, and the person(s) working on that module.

Finally, it could contain test versions from Wolfgang, eg 3.01rc2 (v3.01
release candidate 2) which developers could access and test on different
hardware with Wolfgang.

> The sights that I am thinking of tend to not act as a developer's forum
> (I agree, the discussion forum is much more interactive and avoids the
> tedious searching that web based forums tend to get into) but simply as
> a central organizational point.  They can also contain forum archives.

A private mailing list would achieve these goals.

> Just some thoughts...

Nice thoughts.


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