James Hunkins writes:

> Can anyone tell me the best way  in either 'C' or assembly to determine
> the file type (executable, directory, etc)?

Here is a Directory Record Definition (The mnemonics may possibly be my own
as none were published when this was written).

*              File Header Definition

fht_len   equ $00    .l file length
fht_acces equ $04    .b file access key (0 in qdos 1.03)
fht_type  equ $05    .b file type:

fht.nor   equ   0       basic program or ordinary data files
fht.exe   equ   1       executable program
fht.rel   equ   2       relocatable object files
fht.thd   equ   3       Thor directory files (ArgOS)
*                       Others ?
fht.dir   equ 255       directory files (standard)

fht_finf  equ $06   8.b file type-dependent information
fht_data  equ $06    .l default data space for executable files

fht_name  equ $0E    .q name string
fht.nmln  equ  36       max file name length
fht_updt  equ $34    .l date of last update
fht_vers  equ $38    .w version number
fht_filn  equ $3A    .w file number
fht_bkdt  equ $3C    .l date of last backup



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