On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, Len Budney wrote:
> "Sam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > And, that's why you're not a vendor.  No vendor will have its hands tied
> > this way.
> *cough*

Bless you.

> That's right. And PC vendors ship with Windoze, not through *any*
> pressure by Microsoft, because they consider it the best...er, um,
> that is, because Microsoft is so unrestrictive in its licensing....

I can't believe I'm responding to this, but this is actually a perfect
example. You won't find very many vendors -happy- to be stuck shipping
Windows on every PC they put out the door. Their fate is tied, 100%, to
the goodwill of Microsoft. If MS raises the price, they are pretty much
stuck. For now. Watch them jump ship as soon as a marketable alternative
that doesn't tie their hands as much arrives.

Just like an OS vendor, if it can help it, won't tie itself down to a
product that it can't support if the author decides to cease development
or disappears for whatever reason.

But I need to stop posting on this topic. Unless Dan has something to say
about it, all of us posting about this (either in favor of his licensing,
or against it) are wasting our time.

I've got better things to do than argue about this, such as getting the
latest Postfix beta up and running on another machine.

Edward S. Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       [ What goes up, must come down. ]
http://www.logic.net/~emarshal/               [ Ask any system administrator. ]

    Linux labyrinth 2.2.0-pre4 #1 Sun Jan 3 13:28:42 CST 1999 i586 unknown
        9:15pm up 1 day, 5:56, 4 users, load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00

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