This is not a reliable design.  I would bring all the mail into the
permanently connected server, and forward it to the dialup.  Then,
when you're not connected or when the dns fails, your email
just sits in your queue.

Chris McCarthy writes:
 > I have a dialup qmail server that is a higher MX preference than my
 > permanently connected qmail server. I am using a dynamic DNS
 > name for the dialup.
 > My problem is that this morning, it seems that the name server
 > was down. The result of this is that the permanently connected qmail
 > server bounced all messages destined for the dialup machine with the
 > message:
 > Aug 24 07:42:55 www qmail: 935476975.745655 delivery 2136: failure:
 > Sorry._Altho
 > ugh_I'm_listed_as_a_best-preference_MX_or_A_for_that_host,/it_isn't_in_my_contro
 > l/locals_file,_so_I_don't_treat_it_as_local._(#5.4.6)/
 > Is there a way to stop qmail from bouncing these messages, so that it
 > retries later. I presume qmail ignores the highest MX preference if it
 > cannot get an ip address for the name ??????
 > Any help much appreciated,
 > Thanks, ..Chris.

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