Forgive me if the two posts from Eric were not related:

saturating a T1:
Todd presents a good formula, but this is not taking into account anything but the 
message size.  As Stan mentions, email size is not a good indicator of total network 
traffic - even if you are only in the email business.

Average email size:
One of my systems sends out a text-only message twice a week.  It is usually around 
20k in size, and is (this week) 566 lines long, not including headers.  This email is 
over four times our average message size.

64k average seems very large - of course when you factor in attachments, HTML- or 
RTF-formatted messages, the size can get up there.  Looking at my inbox, however, 
which contains over 1200 emails, I have only 90 with attachments, and just ten or so 
that are not plain text.

Unfortunately, the average size of an email is going to vary widely based on a number 
of factors which we can only begin to discuss before we realize that this thread gets 
out of control ;)

<:)  Lyndon

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