So should this - sorry I'm stressed out
Hello James

On 15-Jan-01, you wrote:


>> you didn't put that line into inetd.conf, did you?
> Well that's a useful reply. Sheesh.
> Anyways, Martin, that shouldn't go into /etc/inetd.conf. That line
> should go into your system's boot up scripts. /etc/rc.local or something
> similar.
> Or, by far the easiest way is to follow the Life with Qmail
> directions and use svscan/supervise. See #
> james

Yes, probably, but there is a lot of info packed into Life with qmail that I
don't follow/understand even though it obviously works. 

I do have it printed out for reference, but the way I am thinking (rightly
or wrongly) is if I install the tarballs one at a time and follow the
instructions and try the other notes etc. I will learn it more deeply and

For me, this is training as opposed to getting something up and running

I just want to go beyond the basic qmail install that I have used on an
internal test machine for a couple of years. I have a external IP and
domain to test and play for real now and have just installed OpenBSD 2.8
onto a clean machine.

Once I'm happy with ucspi-tcp, then daemontools is next although I'd like
APOP going and tested first. After that, djbdns etc. etc. - like I said,
this is going to be a DJBware machine.



A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it's better than
no inspiration at all.
 -- Rita Mae Brown
 -- Starting from Scratch: A Different Kind of Writer's Manual

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