"q question" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Sorry, q, but I'm not ready to end the discussion, despite your

>Dave Sill wrote:
>>"q question" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >I was appalled when [Charles] said "please don't post BIND zonefiles
>> >to Dan's lists". That is a blanket directive that is not necessarily
>> >shared by everyone on this list, certainly not me.
>>directive <> request

You ignored this comment, which is, I think, critical. Charles said
"please don't post...". Charles did not say "never post...". The
former is a request. The latter is a directive. If Charles had given a
directive, your reaction *might* have been justified.

>BINDthinkers cannot just jump blindly into djbdnsthink. There are going to 
>be a few posts now and again where someone is going to show a few zone 
>records to clarify their point while they transition into qmail/djbdns/etc.

Such zone file excerpts should be prefaced with an apology. If no
apology is included, offenders should not be surprised if people point
out their faux pas.

>Noone should say: "please don't post BIND zonefiles to Dan's lists".

Who is Noone, and why should he repeat Charles' request?


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