On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 07:36:53PM +0200, Jörgen Persson wrote:
> Sorry, but I'm not all comfortable with this...
> There's been 4 similar reports of qmail-remote not behaving properly to
> this list during the last month. 
> http://www.ornl.gov/its/archives/mailing-lists/qmail/2001/05/msg00558.html
> http://www.ornl.gov/its/archives/mailing-lists/qmail/2001/05/msg01332.html
> http://www.ornl.gov/its/archives/mailing-lists/qmail/2001/06/msg00283.html
> http://www.ornl.gov/its/archives/mailing-lists/qmail/2001/06/msg00426.html
> We still haven't been able to help any of them...

Could Neil Kandalgaonkar, Eric Wang, Troy Settle, and Yevgeniy Miretskiy
perhaps get together and compare notes? Do you all share an OS (I
noticed that two posters appeared to mention RH6.2 -- is this the case
for all? Is there another factor that you all share? (I do note that
geography does not appear to be a factor)... This information could
allow us to get somewhere.

If needed, I'm willing to create a mini-list ala .qmail-something to
address all four of the OPs....

> This doesn't look like a coincidence to me since two of the reports
> concerned the same recipient server (outblaze.com). Unfortunately it
> seems related to network programming, which I know very little about.

It's really tough to even know what to look at at this point... As soon
as I saw that outblaze was in HK, I thought of geographical/routing
issues, but none of the posters seems to share common geography. Hmmm...

Greg White

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