> If you don't put From and To headers in your message, there won't be
> From
> and To headers in your message. What appears in these headers has
> to do
> with the SMTP MAIL FROM and RCPT TO commands.

Now a question...
Why I usually do a telnet xxx 25 and send a mail like I did and I works?

Is there any configuration? 

I mean I did mail to: email, rcpt to: email my whole life! 
I swear!

Nevermind anyway.

> > It's qmail-inject (which is linked to sendmail binary)I mean I
> > sendmail binady from the OpenBSD box and added a sendmail linking to
> qmail's
> > sendmail. The reason for this? It's in www.lifewithqmail.org.
> Those log entries come from sendmail, *not* from any qmail program. I
> promise.

I believe you. I will investigate further...

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