QmailAdmin is now on sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/qmailadmin/

I think there is a link to it from the development page on Inter 7's site: http://www.inter7.com/develop.html

I've been playing with per-user SA config, and I thought I had a good solution until I realized that forwards weren't working (doh!)


At 12:14 PM 7/8/2003 -0400, you wrote:

Forgive me if this is a FAQ or something, but I don't see anything about 1.0.21 on the inter7 site (inter7.com) -- is there a better place to be looking?
Public CVS access maybe?

Jeff Hedlund wrote:

Derek Watson wrote:

Just to recap:

The community wants SpamAssassin integration in QmailAdmin. We need the ability to apply SpamAssassin processing to incoming email on a
per-domain or per-account basis. Forwards and aliases should work, where applicable. This means mangling the .qmail-default file (per domain) and individual users .qmail files (per user). The system should also support enabling/disabling this feature via a .qmailadmin-limits directive and provide some way for each admin to specify the path to the filter.

Most of this is already in qmailadmin as of version 1.0.21.

The features missing from above are changing per domain (which even if there was an option, it should just make the user's .qmail file filter and not change the .qmail-default file). It is also missing the .qmailadmin-limits directive.

Otherwise, per-user spam filtering is available via a checkbox.


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