On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 02:01 PM, Jesse Guardiani wrote:
I know it's not a bug. I'm just wondering if other people
have the same problems I have and share the same
frustration and would welcome such a patch, or if a
patch to correct this problem would be laughed off the

Let me know what you think...

It's a great idea, but we've already incorporated it into the current development releases.


Check for 1.0.25 to be released later today (in other words, don't bother installing 1.0.24, wait for 1.0.25).

1.0.25 also includes a program called alias2forward.pl (look for it in the contrib directory) that will go through all domains and convert Maildir-style aliases to address-style forwards.

Tom Collins
http://sniffter.com/ - info on the Sniffter hand-held Network Tester

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