
 just use --enable-autoresponder-bin=/usr/bin/

hope this helps.

Guenther Theilen said:
> Hi,
> I set up qmail on a Debian woody system. So far everything works fine.
> Now I want to use the autoresponder, but when I enable it with qmailadmin
> I
> get a wrong path in the .qmail-file. (usr/bin/autorespond/autorespond
> instead
> of /usr/bin/autorespond)
> I installed qmailadmin with
> ./configure [...] --enable-autoresponder-bin=/usr/bin/autorespond
> Anyone any hints?
> Regards
> Guenther

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Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity.
(Dennis Ritchie)

Iulian Margarintescu
tel: 0742994143
Network Administrator
Net Solution

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