Will McDonald wrote:
Hi all,

I've just installed Qmailtoaster on a test system and I'm having some
trouble with message delivery. For various legacy reasons I'm not
using a bog standard Qmailtoaster build, we have an existing
Qmailrocks system but I'd like to transition to an RPMed system.

Briefly, I've stripped the MySQL stuff and some of the Sendmail
removal out of the SPECs and I have all the SRPMs building and the
RPMs install as I'd expect so I think that side of things is all OK.

I have Qmail setup to only listen on localhost in
/var/qmail/supervise/smtp/run with '-u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" smtp \'. It starts and listens successfully so that's good.

Now, I'm far from a Qmail expert so I'm a bit lost, can anyone shed
some light on what's going on?

Not much in the logs.... Try setting spfbehavior to 1 or 0; that particular function does not generate logs yet.

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