Hi ES,

Without looking at the code in much detail, I can tell that the problem lies
with version numbering. This routine assumes (erroneously) that packages
have a version number that conforms to n.n.n-n.n.n format. While this is
true for toaster packages, it's not true for other packages such as zlib
which have both non-toaster and toaster versions. Why the toaster version of
zlib isn't named zlib-toaster, I've no idea. I also don't know what the
difference is between the toaster and non-toaster versions. I think it's
safe to say that you probably want the toaster version though (that's what
I'm running).

The name is kept the same (sans toaster) because it is a dependency
for so many packages. The reason we include it is because there are
clamd issues with older versions of zlib. It is not installed unless
necessary, for example on FC6 which ships with the same version of
zlib, we don't install it when using the fc6 install script.

If your toaster is not currently deployed (running live), the fix is easy.
# rpm -e --nodeps zlib
to remove the existing package. The toaster's zlib should be automatically
selected and installed, and away you go.

I'd be careful of running this command, as you can be left with a broken system.


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