Hey Slamp,

I was under the impression that Squirrelmail used /usr/sbin/sendmail
to send mail, not smtp. Doesn't your config.php have "$useSendmail
      = true;"


The reason squirrelmail uses
On 2/6/07, slamp slamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there a reason why the default config of squirrelmail is not using the
submission port? Is it really necessary for squirrelmail to be checked
against RBL's? I found that squirrelmail is much faster (sending) when
configured to use the submission port since it bypasses RBL checks. This
also prevents the error "Server replied: 354" when an RBL timeout occurs.

BTW I just updated to the latest and greatest including the 3 devel packages
and everything is perfect (knocks on wood).


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