
Static IP's are better for mail servers. Especially when you take
DomainKeys, spf, and other things into account that require knowing
the source.


On 2/10/07, Vince Callaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm running several servers on dynamic IP's.  The reverse DNS is not
important for those.

Your upstream provider should be able to provide you with a mail server
you can relay through.  QT is setup to do that with no issues.

As for DNS I use It is $6.95 a year for 1 to 5
domains.  They have a web interface that is simple to use and I control
everything.  Their nameservers are hosted in two different parts of the
country.  Something I feel is important.  They also support dynamic IP.

I personally feel that using static IPs is just bad policy.  Sometime
soon I will share with this group a disaster recorvery plan I'm working
on for my clients.  It outlines why hosting DNS yourself and static IPs
are bad.

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