I've had great luck with xname.org and granitecanyon.com.


On 2/10/07, Mark Samples <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Vince Callaway wrote:

>I'm running several servers on dynamic IP's.  The reverse DNS is not
>important for those.
>Your upstream provider should be able to provide you with a mail server
>you can relay through.  QT is setup to do that with no issues.
I am using freedns.afraid.org.  I am not using a dynamic IP, it is
static, I colocated because
all I needed was the connection.  All is working well, as is,  I just
wanted to be able to accomodate those large
email servers and comply (even though I personally am not fond of them)
with their philosophies, in particular hotmail, since many customers
send to people at hotmail, just did want problems with not
accepting mail because the domain is not listed as a reverse PTR.  Did
some research on this, and in the
past it has never been a problem, but recently with all of the
blacklisting, reverse dns is being checked by some of the large
providers.  Of course my experience with this is the provider I worked
for was being spammed more than my current employer (maybe it was for
other reasons, this was above and beyond virus,
seems someone was pissed at them) which is 100,000 times bigger.  As a
side note, the place where I am colocated at  I get virtually no spam
(of course I use toaster and other counter measures which I do not wnat
to disclose, oops this'll probably open that door....(:-)).

>As for DNS I use http://xpertdns.com It is $6.95 a year for 1 to 5
>domains.  They have a web interface that is simple to use and I control
>everything.  Their nameservers are hosted in two different parts of the
>country.  Something I feel is important.  They also support dynamic IP.
>I personally feel that using static IPs is just bad policy.  Sometime
>soon I will share with this group a disaster recorvery plan I'm working
>on for my clients.  It outlines why hosting DNS yourself and static IPs
>are bad.
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