On Mar 24, 2009, at 10:24 AM, Thomas M. Jaeger wrote:

Did “yum update –y” and qmailtoaster-plus updated. Then when trying to run qtp-newmodel through qtp-menu, all current toaster packages download for install. However, when qtp-newmodel tries to update perl modules, I get a “Transaction Check Error” that states a man file conflict between perl-Getopt-Long and a file with perl-5.8.8-15.el5_2.1. Below is the perl install section of qtp- newmodel. Running on CentOS 5.2 (yum updated to all current packages). I tried to search the archives but had no success finding any similar problem. Maybe I am not searching correctly or you might have a new suggestion as what I should do to get updated?

ok, there are two problems in play here:

1) you have not configured yum to prevent third-party repositories from clobbering system packages. to do this, follow the instructions here:


however, just doing this will not be sufficient to help you...

2) qtp-newmodel uses RPM package names (following the rpmforge naming convention) to model Perl dependencies; a better way is to use RPM's own Perl-specific dependency format, e.g. 'perl(LWP::UserAgent)' instead of 'perl-LWP-UserAgent'. this enables yum to be more flexible about dependency solving and not try to install a third-party package which will conflict with an existing core package.

attached is a patch to qtp-newmodel which makes the appropriate changes; i just did a cursory test on my own system, and it seems to work OK. Jake, please consider merging it for a future release? FYI, if QmailToaster needs specific versions of Perl modules, RPM's Perl dependency syntax supports that as well, e.g. 'perl(LWP::UserAgent) >= 5.805' instead of 'perl(LWP::UserAgent)'.

so, to sum up:

Thomas, please configure the priorities plugin to protect your core packages from being clobbered.

Jake, please modify qtp-newmodel so that it doesn't needlessly try to clobber core packages. :)


Attachment: qtp-newmodel_perldeps.patch
Description: Binary data

If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction. - Fabian, Twelfth Night, III,v

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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