Aleksander Podsiadly wrote:
W dniu 09.11.2009 05:52, Eric Shubert pisze:

I've posted a message on the spamdyke list requesting that spamdyke add a mail message header with pertinent information, including whether or not TLS was used. We'll see how that goes.

Good idea, Alexsander.

I was thinking about it and I come to the conclusion that can be difficult to add to header this information. Email with DKIM or domain-keys signature cannot be changed. If filter like Spamdyke add something to the header, qmail rejects it. The only one way to inform us about encryption is to write info to log. Am I wrong?

That sounds right to me. I'll pass that on to the spamdyke list.
Alexsander, are you subscribed to the spamdyke list? Please consider doing so.

Thanks again.

-Eric 'shubes'

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