
I'm running a website in a vps that has installed Kloxo with qmailtoaster.
We were having some problems with our mails being reported as spam, and
when I logged into our control panel to check this noticed that we had
thousands of mails in our mail queue (that apparently were being sent from
a test account that I made with a "test" password... bad idea). I tried
deleting the queue from the Kloxo interface, but it was pointless since I
could only delete about 320 mails by step, so without much thinking I
deleted the /var/qmail/queue folder. After that I noticed that the mail
queue list was indeed empty now, but that I couldn't send or receive mails.

I ran this script to rebuild the subdirectories that I deleted by mistake
after restating the server or changing everything to 777 nothing seems
to work. I have been trying to solve this problem searching online for
about 3 hours without any progress, so I'm recurring to this mailing list
as my last hope.

I deleted the logs after I deleted our queue, our current "smtp.log" file
is full of lines like this from mail I'm trying to send to our website:
CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from <cd_bl...@hotmail.com::> remote
<:blu0-omc1-s27.blu0.hotmail.com:> rcpt <a...@nanofate.us> : found
existing recipient
qmail-smtpd: qq soft reject (qq trouble creating files in queue (#4.3.0)):
MAILFROM:<cd_bl...@hotmail.com> RCPTTO:a...@nanofate.us
CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from <cd_bl...@hotmail.com::> remote
<:blu0-omc1-s11.blu0.hotmail.com:> rcpt <a...@nanofate.us> : found
existing recipient
qmail-dk:[3290]: Dying due to write operation error (disk full?).
qmail-smtpd: qq soft reject (qq write error or disk full (#4.3.0)):
MAILFROM:<cd_bl...@hotmail.com> RCPTTO:a...@nanofate.us
CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from <cd_bl...@hotmail.com::> remote
<:blu0-omc1-s23.blu0.hotmail.com:> rcpt <a...@nanofate.us> : found
existing recipient
qmail-smtpd: qq soft reject (qq trouble creating files in queue (#4.3.0)):
MAILFROM:<cd_bl...@hotmail.com> RCPTTO:a...@nanofate.us

"mailog" is filled with lines like this, I think they must be spam bots or
something trying to send mail from the account I deleted:
May  3 00:08:47 nanofate vpopmail[1760]: vchkpw-smtp: vpopmail user not
found t...@nanofate.us:
May  3 00:08:48 nanofate qmail: 1335989328.011946 alert: cannot start:
unable to open mutex
May  3 00:10:02 nanofate vpopmail[3171]: vchkpw-smtp: vpopmail user not
found t...@nanofate.us:
May  3 00:10:08 nanofate vpopmail[3188]: vchkpw-smtp: vpopmail user not
found t...@nanofate.us:
May  3 00:10:10 nanofate vpopmail[3198]: vchkpw-smtp: vpopmail user not
found t...@nanofate.us:

Also, apparently we still have plenty of free space in our vps, so I think
that shouldn't be the problem:
 df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/simfs             20G  6.4G   14G  32% /
none                  512M  4.0K  512M   1% /dev
/dev/simfs             20G  6.4G   14G  32% /var/named/chroot/var/run/dbus

Thanks in advance for your time.

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