Dear Dan,
You are right and i was enabled short_open_tag also , VQadmin and
Squirrelmail are working perfect but  Qmailadmin is not working in house my
pc ip and outside ip.
If possible you could help me.

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 6:47 AM, Dan McAllister <> wrote:

>  The "fix" for PHP (and thus, vqadmin) is to enable "short open tags"
> (not just tags) in php.ini.
>   -- background: used to be, you could open a PHP statement with "<?" --
> but that syntax was hijacked by other languages, like XML -- so now you
> have to use "<?php" insead.
> The problem for many people is that they think of this as a MAIL problem
> (more specifically, a QMail problem), when in fact, it is a WEB problem!
> Thus, people often update php.ini, then restart QMail (qmailctl
> restart)... and complain that it didn't fix anything. (Does it help your 
> *motorcycle
> *when you get the *car *tuned up?)
> INSTEAD, update your file (*/etc/php.ini* on CentOS 6) and insert (at the
> location of your choice) the line:
> short_open_tag = On
> And then restart APACHE! (service httpd restart).
> *NOTE:* Plenty of QMail users run on hosted systems -- and in many cases,
> this prevents them from accessing /etc/php.ini... in those cases, you'll
> need to enable short open tags in an htaccess for each folder you need them
> run in.
> *FINALLY:* I am of the understanding that the vqadmin AND squirrelmail
> issues are both also solved by using more up-to-date versions... which
> we're getting to!
>  - I'm not POSITIVE about vqadmin, but I do know for sure that
> squirrelmail fixes PHP compatibility in version 1.4.22 (the current version
> Enjoy!
> Dan McAllister
> PS: Happy New Year!
> On 12/30/2013 1:15 AM, Nicholas Chua wrote:
>  I didn't have time to track down the issue, all I can say is php53 broke
> my installation. I also didn't like the fact that VQadmin never worked
> correctly.
> My Postfix installation works perfectly for my needs and so do the
> administrative tools, and web based applications created for it. YUM
> works without issue and hasn't broken anything yet when updating. That's
> what I need.
> I really like QMail and didn't want to change, but it was the prudent
> thing to do.
>  <snip>
> Agree that postfix is reliable. I am also running some EDM servers and all i 
> need
> is a fast light-weight MTA. So my choice is postfix with dovecot. No 
> antivirus and
> antispam. Just SPF and DKIM. Once any campaign is done, i will just shut it 
> down to
> prevent any security breech, if there is any. With the knowledge of 
> installing QMTs,
> postfix is much easier.
> With a 2mbps dedicated bandwidth, i can send 250k emails each about 10k to my 
> registered
> users within 4 hours.
> But I still wouldn't want to implement postfix as an enterprise email 
> solution.
> regards
> nic                                   
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