"Plaintext authentication

The simplest authentication mechanism is PLAIN. The client simply sends the password unencrypted to Dovecot. All clients support the PLAIN mechanism, but obviously there's the problem that anyone listening on the network can steal the password. For that reason (and some others) other mechanisms were implemented.

Today however many people use SSL/TLS <>, and there's no problem with sending unencrypted password inside SSL secured connections. So if you're using SSL, you probably don't need to bother worrying about anything else than the PLAIN mechanism.

Another plaintext mechanism is LOGIN. It's typically used only by SMTP servers to let Outlook clients perform SMTP authentication. Note that LOGIN mechanism is not the same as IMAP's LOGIN command. The LOGIN command is internally handled using PLAIN mechanism."

Considering the above, I'd change the setting to 'auth_mechanisms = plain login'

On 3/20/2018 2:03 AM, Francisco Navarro -- N&A Consulting wrote:

It is as follows

auth_mechanisms = plain login digest-md5 cram-md5

What happens when I use an account by method = PLAIN if I try to do it by method = DIGEST-MD5 does not work anymore, from that moment on I only allow authentication by method = PLAIN

Thank you.

El 2018-03-20 01:55, Eric Broch escribió:

Is 'auth_mechanisms' set as below?

auth_mechanisms = plain login

On 3/19/2018 6:43 PM, Francisco Navarro -- N&A Consulting wrote:


First of all apologize for my English. I have a problem that I can not understand and I get in touch with this list to see if someone can help me or failing to tell me where I can go.

I have the following problem, when I register a new account I configure the account by IMAP SSL / TLS connection security password Encrypted everything perfect, the problem I have is that if I have already started with text-plain security dovecot does not let me log in, I understand because somewhere we indicate that this account is logged in by this authentication method and does not accept another method of authentication.

This can be solved in some way.

Thank you.

N&A Consulting | Francisco Navarro | Dpto. Técnico. | 966 344 244 | |


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White Horse Technical Consulting (WHTC)

Eric Broch
White Horse Technical Consulting (WHTC)

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