Thank you very much Eric,

Fortunately in the world there are people like you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, 1000 thanks. 

El 2018-03-22 18:20, Eric Broch escribió:

> I don't know the answer to your question. Maybe submit the question to the 
> dovecot mailing list. 
> You can flush the cache using the 'doveadm' command? 
> # doveadm auth cache flush <user> 
> In my opinion it's as easy to do the above as it is to restart dovecot. 
> On 3/22/2018 10:47 AM, Francisco Navarro -- N&A Consulting wrote: 
> Thank you very much Eric
> I have read a good part of the documentation of dovecot, in fact I have been 
> repeatedly reading the url that has happened to me.
> What I can not understand is where that cache is stored.
> Thank you. 
> El 2018-03-22 15:44, Eric Broch escribió: 
> Francisco, 
> Also, concerning your initial question Dovecot does cache passwords. You 
> might want to have a look here: 
> Eric 
> On 3/21/2018 4:56 PM, Francisco Navarro -- N&A Consulting wrote: 
> Muchas gracias. 
> El 2018-03-21 22:09, Eric Broch escribió: 
> "Plaintext authentication 
> The simplest authentication mechanism is PLAIN. The client simply sends the 
> password unencrypted to Dovecot. All clients support the PLAIN mechanism, but 
> obviously there's the problem that anyone listening on the network can steal 
> the password. For that reason (and some others) other mechanisms were 
> implemented. 
> Today however many people use SSL/TLS [1], and there's no problem with 
> sending unencrypted password inside SSL secured connections. So if you're 
> using SSL, you probably don't need to bother worrying about anything else 
> than the PLAIN mechanism. Another plaintext mechanism is LOGIN. It's 
> typically used only by SMTP servers to let Outlook clients perform SMTP 
> authentication. Note that LOGIN mechanism is not the same as IMAP's LOGIN 
> command. The LOGIN command is internally handled using PLAIN mechanism."
> Considering the above, I'd change the setting to 'auth_mechanisms = plain 
> login'
> On 3/20/2018 2:03 AM, Francisco Navarro -- N&A Consulting wrote: 
> It is as follows 
> auth_mechanisms = plain login digest-md5 cram-md5 
> What happens when I use an account by method = PLAIN if I try to do it by 
> method = DIGEST-MD5 does not work anymore, from that moment on I only allow 
> authentication by method = PLAIN 
> Thank you. 
> El 2018-03-20 01:55, Eric Broch escribió: 
> Is 'auth_mechanisms' set as below? 
> auth_mechanisms = plain login 
> On 3/19/2018 6:43 PM, Francisco Navarro -- N&A Consulting wrote: 
> Hello,
> First of all apologize for my English. I have a problem that I can not 
> understand and I get in touch with this list to see if someone can help me or 
> failing to tell me where I can go.
> I have the following problem, when I register a new account I configure the 
> account by IMAP SSL / TLS connection security password Encrypted everything 
> perfect, the problem I have is that if I have already started with text-plain 
> security dovecot does not let me log in, I understand because somewhere we 
> indicate that this account is logged in by this authentication method and 
> does not accept another method of authentication. 
> This can be solved in some way. 
> Thank you. 
> N&A Consulting | Francisco Navarro | Dpto. Técnico. |  966 344 244  | 
> [2] |
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> -- 
> Eric Broch
> White Horse Technical Consulting (WHTC)

Eric Broch
White Horse Technical Consulting (WHTC)

Eric Broch
White Horse Technical Consulting (WHTC)

Eric Broch
White Horse Technical Consulting (WHTC)



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