On 2007-08-16 18:45:08 -0500, Peter A Eisch wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, Charlie Brady wrote:
> > On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, Peter Eisch wrote:
> >
> > > 
> As I noted, forkserver was hit or miss without some safeguard to catch
> when it tanked.  And it did.

Early versions of forkserver died if a child died at an inopportune
moment. That was fixed quite a long time ago and I think it was only a
problem with perl 5.6 (save signals in 5.8 should have taken care of
this). Other than that I don't remember any case where the parent
process of forkserver died.

> > > I have apache running on these systems already for other reasons ...
> >
> > Not everyone does. But your reasons for preferring one start script to
> > another are beside the point. I'm merely trying to discover the details
> > and the basis of assertions about performance.
> >
> The assertion about performance is that can get "Plugins already loaded"
> 150 times or so per child (just looking at one child in the live logs
> now).

If that is supposed to be an argument why apache must be faster than
forkserver, I don't follow it.  I don't get this message at all with
forkserver (and since its at LOGWARN level, I should see it if it
happens). I dimly recall that with some old version I did get it
reliably once per child, because load_plugins was called a second time
just after the fork - I don't remember when this was fixed.

> > > As to the overall efficiency and speed, I'd really figure that -async can
> > > lay a beat-down on anything that doesn't select() socket arrays.
> >
> > That's speculation, not benchmarking.
> >
> No, kind sir.  Systems (W. Richard Stevens era) and kernel scheduler
> programmers understand this.

There is a difference between potential performance and actual
performance. Just because a select-based state-machine is potentially
faster, doesn't mean it is measurably faster in the real world. There
are too many other variables involved.

So I agree with Charlie here. Arguing that something must be faster
because it uses select is just speculation. If you want a real
comparison, you need to benchmark it. Of course with benchmarks, you
have to problem that you need a realistic workload, and with qpsmtpd you
probably won't find two installations which use the same plugins, so
results probably cannot be generalized.

Metrics I think are relevant:

> Maybe you have some specific metrics you'd like for me to gather?

* Processed connections per time unit.

* Accepted messages per time unit.

* Latency for accepted messages.

* System load (for a given workload)

* Memory usage (for a given workload)

A change in these metrics when switching from one method to another on
the same machine is probably a good indicator for a given set of plugins
and a given workload. 

I don't think any set of metrics is comparable between different systems
and different workloads. A synthetic workload might be useful, though.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | I know I'd be respectful of a pirate 
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR       | with an emu on his shoulder.
| |   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
__/   | http://www.hjp.at/ |    -- Sam in "Freefall"

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