Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On 28-Aug-07, at 3:12 PM, JT Moree wrote:
>> Matt Sergeant wrote:
>>> I've checked in $transaction->id support now. Please let me know if you
>>> think it's OK.
>> which method did you use?

I found the svn web interface:

  # generate id
  my $conn = $args{connection};
  my $ip = $conn->local_port || "0";
  my $start = time;
  my $id = "$start.$$.$ip";

Some people have suggested adding the remote IP address.  I'm curious
why use local port instead of remote port?  would both be better?

  my $ip = $conn->remote_ip($ip);
  my $rport = $conn->remote_port || "0";
  my $lport = $conn->local_port || "0";
  my $start = time;
  my $id = "$start_$$.$lport_$ip:$rport";

Thanks for checking something in.  Progress is being made. ;)
JT Moree

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