On 2007-09-04 07:59:15 -0700, JT Moree wrote:
> > $instance_id        # could be opaque or structured to include server name
> >                 # or IP, PID, etc.
> > $instance_id.$connection_id         # identifies a connection handled
> >                             # by this instance
> > $instance_id.$connection_id.$transaction_id # identifies a
> >                                             # transaction within 
> >                                             # this connection.
> I notice that svn code has moved to this model but it still has these
> lines in it
>   my $SALT_HOST = crypt(hostname, chr(65+rand(57)).chr(65+rand(57)));
>   $SALT_HOST =~ tr/A-Za-z0-9//cd;
> Is this being used anymore?  I don't find a reference to $SALT_HOST in
> the same file.

I was playing around a bit on the weekend, yes. Since neither Matt nor
Ask have cried out in horror on what I did, I guess it's time to present
that to a wider audience:

The instance id basically identifies Qpsmtpd::SMTP object. Looking
through the sources of various servers I found that there is always
exactly one per process (although with forkserver it is inherited by the
child processes), so I thought that 

    time when object was created (seconds.microseconds since the epoch)
    process id 

should always be unique. I replaced $SALT_HOST as the "host_id" with the
primary IP address (in hex), because I think a predictable host id is
useful (so that you can find the relevant host from the log entry -
otherwise the host id could be removed). It may be useful to replace the
IP address with something else, most likely the (abbreviated) hostname.
That could be a configuration option. (So this answers your question:
$SALT_HOST is obsolete and I just forgot to delete it)

The connection id and transaction id are simple counters. 

So a complete log entry (without timestamp or whatever else the logging
mechanism may add) looks like this:

1188729346.156197.7f000101.3165.2.1 Accepted connection 0/15 from / 

So this is instance "1188729346.156197.7f000101.3165" (started at
1188729346.156197 on host (oops - the joys of dhcp and strange
/etc/hosts files) in process 3165). This is connection number 2 (i.e.
the first "real" connection (connection number 1 is used up during
startup) on this instance, and the first transaction within this
connection (since a "mail from" command always starts a new transaction,
you can think of transaction 2 as the first "real" transaction).

Apart from the fact that the "host id" thingy should probably be
configurable, there are some other things I'm not completely happy with:

* The id is rather long. That is written into every log line and the
  first 33 characters are always the same until you restart the
  instance. If you have only a handful of instances (which is quite
  likely) that's 33 characters for a few bits of information (at least
  it will compress well with gzip). We could use base64 instead of base
  10/16. Then the timestamp reduces to 6+4 (or 6+3 if we are content
  with 4 µs resolution) characters, the IP address to 6 characters and
  the PID to 3 characters. Now that's 20 characters including the
  dot, but it's quite opaque.

* The same delimiter is used within the instance id and between the
  instance id and the connection and transaction ids. This may make life
  unnecessarily hard for log analysis tools.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | I know I'd be respectful of a pirate 
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR       | with an emu on his shoulder.
| |   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
__/   | http://www.hjp.at/ |    -- Sam in "Freefall"

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