
My subjective point of view:

I have used Netbeans and Jambi with ant and maven projects for a while, I 
never used Eclipse for any kind of development ( I extremely hate its 
keyboard shortcuts, which are difficult to remap and its gtk look ).

First of all, I started with ant. So I unpacked jambi-bin distribution 
somewhere in my home, created simple java console app, added jambi jars to 
project ( different jar for each platform (!) ). If you are using maven, you 
must "install" jambi jars into repo ( I don't know official maven repo with 
jambi jars ).  Next you could create some forms with designer and save juis 
somewhere in project tree.

- This is first problem, because netbeans has no integration with it, so you 
must start designer manually. Designer.sh/bat script is not user friendly, 
because it ignores any parameters and starts empty designer, so you can't 
register .jui to open with it ( without some hacking ). So you must 
everytime, when designer starts, manually browse to directory where 
your .jui's are.

- You must convert your jui's into .java manually, or create some script, or 
hack ant to have that done on buildtime. This is a little problem when you 
are developing the same app on linux and windoze. I rewrited all scripts into 
java ( uh ) and it is working now.

- juic generates .java files with different encoding on different platforms, 
so if you have hardcoded your netbeans project in some encoding (eg.utf8), 
you could have a problem with encoding. My "jambi-helper" recodes that files.

As Jose told me today, there exists juic maven plugin, which could do much 
stuff for you at buildtime. But - from my point of view, it is very cheap 
documented ( only some xml examples ) and harder to understand for me. For 
example, using xml examples from its website you create uncompileable 
project, because there is no information, how to include generated sources in 
project ( they are generated in target/..., which is not in sources path ). 
So again, if you are beginner, you have a deadlock :).

My resume:

I am successfully using jambi with netbeans, but it needed some effort to do 
before ( create custom scripts, modify env, reconfigure build scripts 
etc... ), so If you aren't skilled in this, you can't use jambi with 
netbeans. Forget that you could create jambi project by typical 
java-programmer way [ using mouse :-) ] with netbeans :(.

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