On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Ville M. Vainio <vivai...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Every now and again (case in points - yesterday after Tampere MeeGo
> meetup) this pops up in conversations - people seem to miss a .jar
> like archive format for QML files. Basically, this would be a zipped
> bunch of qml files, and perhaps c++ modules.
> Such a thing could be used to easily distribute qml assets. While you
> can currently bundle files together in a program binary using Qt
> resource system, that doesn't make sense for libraries. Also, a
> compressed archive of qml files would be easier to modify without
> messing with full toolchains.
> The scheme (once specified) would probably not be that hard to
> implement, it'd most probably involve adding a new url scheme to the
> current "network transparent" import system.
> While you could argue that Python did just fine without zipimport for
> a long time, eventually they deemed it a valuable feature to have.

Another motivation is that file/directory operations on mobile devices can
cumbersome if the project has many files (think send via bluetooth, download

from the web, etc). The inclusion of C++ modules can be tricky, but
there are plenty of precedents that can be learned from (JAR,
zipimport/eggs). It's all the question of how simple or smart does one want
to make it. The simplest way would probably be just to zip it according to
some architecture/versioning scheme, but I would also consider
mimicking/retrofitting the rcc (i.e. if I specify rcc -o  qmlproject.qrz
qmlproject.qrc I would get a zip file which has the files/namespace
organized the same way it was in the qrc - this also makes potential
development and qmake integration easier). Alternatively, that could be
a ziprcc executable (again, we have precedent in the form of pyrcc).

Best regards,
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