On 11/25/2010 12:24 PM, ext Attila Csipa wrote:
> Another motivation is that file/directory operations on mobile devices
> can be
> cumbersome if the project has many files (think send via bluetooth,
> download
> from the web, etc). The inclusion of C++ modules can be tricky, but
> there are plenty of precedents that can be learned from (JAR,
> zipimport/eggs). It's all the question of how simple or smart does one want
> to make it. The simplest way would probably be just to zip it according to
> some architecture/versioning scheme, but I would also consider
> mimicking/retrofitting the rcc (i.e. if I specify rcc -o  qmlproject.qrz
> qmlproject.qrc I would get a zip file which has the files/namespace
> organized the same way it was in the qrc - this also makes potential
> development and qmake integration easier). Alternatively, that could be
> a ziprcc executable (again, we have precedent in the form of pyrcc).

The trouble I see with this approach on mobile phones is that it's 
effectively a replacement for the native package format, e.g. .sis files 
on Symbian. Qml doesn't have a general runtime (qmlviewer is meant only 
for development), so the package format would have also to include the 
binary + deal with capabilities etc. Now you want to publish your 
package on ovi store. How is signing done then? When it comes to 
separate libraries, who does the dependency management? Etc etc. This 
all becomes a non-issue if we stick with the packaging formats we have 
on the different platforms.

Btw, this is just my personal opinion :)


> Best regards,
> Attila

Kai Koehne
Software Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

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