On 9/24/11 6:11 PM, "ext Peter Kuemmel" <syntheti...@gmx.net> wrote:
>>What's more, if this is an *installed* header, we need to make sure that
>> the 
>> output from moc stays binary compatible on all compilers until Qt 6.
>> done changes to moc several times during the 4.x lifetime.
>Then the generated header should only changed binary compatible.
>I don't see a problem there.
>When there is any chance for generated headers I try complete by demo

I do not like any solution involving generated headers at all.

The reason is simple: Generated headers are simply not something I can see
us adding to library code. The current headers are nice and relatively

If we add generated headers, we make deployment of libraries to 3rd
parties a lot harder. In addition, there's a chance you might get very
strange things showing up in your code completion in Creator or any other

I believe that both the old syntax (runtime connect's) and the new one
where connect's are done at compile time have it's valid uses. So I do
like adding compile time connect's to Qt.

To be able to add this, we'll need to do some compromises. public signals
is IMO far less of a compromise than generated headers.


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