On Fri, 07 Oct 2011 14:27:20 +0200, Till Oliver Knoll wrote:

> But recently it turned out that the whole paint stack, the "scene
> graph", will be completely rewritten, to favour the QML architecture.
> And it turns out that for all these "fancy effects" we now need OpenGL
> support to get any descent performance. And what's more, the whole
> QWidget implementation will sit on top of all that. 

>From what I understood this is not true. The QML stuff will sit on the 
Scene Graph but QWidget continues using the old paint stack. It seems to 
be undecided if both graphic systems can be used in the same application.

So when you want to stay with QWidget you won't have a problem. But 
people who want to use QML in general, but have to use QWidget for only 
one specific use case they might have lost. But as far as I understood 
you can use the scene graph from C++ too - what might be the solution to 
work around limitations of QML.

We all remember what was wrong with how Qt4 was introduced and I honor, 
that the developers take care, that this happens again with Qt5. But what 
we can see this time seems to be the opposite: 2 completely different 
implementations for the same thing.

But what does this mean for the future:

Sooner or later you will find more functionality in QML components and 
you will find yourself in the situation that you have to use this world - 
or reimplement it in application code for QWidget.

Another scenario I can imagine is, that QWidgets will become its own 
project maintained by people who are interested in it. Then we might see 
real competition between both solutions.

But, what do I know,


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