On Sun, 9 Oct 2011 01:46:43 AM you wrote:
> I can follow the argumentation for using the scene graph instead of 
> QWidget because of technical limitations. But introducing QML instead of C
> ++ is a completely unrelated decision and it's not valid to argue for QML 
> because of the scene graph - like it is not valid to argue for QWidget 
> because of C++. 
> The question what programming language is "more suitable" is a matter of 
> taste to a certain degree. Developers who are used to work with Qt/C++ 
> will hate to learn/use something else ( read Olivers comments ) - others 
> might love it, because they hope not having to invest in learning about C+
> + or software development at all.
I think Uwe got just exactly the point.

QML is welcome from my point of view as long as it is easy and naturally usable 
with C++. I'm investing some time doing a small app with QML and coding with 
C++, so I'll put my feedback by then.
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