As someone pointed out, my new mail client was somewhat confused about 
quotations on this mailing list. :)
Hopefully this will make my previous post a bit more readable: 

> Try to draw some line diagrams in qml please.
> HTML5 Canvas no problem.
> QML ? Please write your own c++ class that you register at qml.

I had the same reaction last year. Which is why I created:

In Qt 5, html5 Canvas is part of the language.

> BUT ... how can i create 100 of them without extreme large development 
> overhead ?
> I can't. In C++ it is only 
>     SysButton* newButton = new SysButton ( myUIContainer, sysName );

Depends on your use case. Sounds indeed like you could use a model.  But if 
that sounds
too heavy handed. You can use a Repeater:

Repeater { 
    model: 100
    SysButton {}
    onItemAadded: { initialize button }

And if you prefer something closer to C++, you create a button Component and 
instantiate it:
var sysButton = buttoncomponent.createObject(conainer)

> What is with layout ? i have no idea of how to create a real working dynamic 
> layout in qml.
> It is just not working in real world situations. Yes it may be possible by 
> using hacks and thousand of lines of javascript code, but this is just not 
> practical.
> We thought in the end even about creating hundred of qml views in the end 
> that are controlled by c++.

It is a bit hard to answer without seeing a picture of what you want to 
achieve. In general you can get far with the built in layouts and anchoring. I 
have written some layouts in javascript though. If there are valid use cases, I 
certainly see that we might add more complex layouts in Qt Quick 2. Perhaps you 
are making things a bit more difficult by avoiding the model and being explicit 
about the buttons. A GridView sounded like a good fit for an explorer type 
layout of icons or buttons. But I also wonder how you did the layout easily in 

> How can i connect the QML SysButtons ? Only if i make all my systems 
> accessible to qml (wich are in the end several thousand objects that i have 
> to make accessible.
> And doing this IS a large overhead runtime and development wise)

I don't know enough about the use case or why these buttons are so complex. How 
do you connect it in C++? Your button has an index. Can't you simply have a 
buttonClicked(int) slot on the C++ side?

> Because debugging IS a REAL nightmare.
> Whatever you say i can say from my metrics that using qml took as more than 
> 12 times longer for the current tests than with qwidgets.
> And yes there is stuff like learning time. But the debugging is just real 
> shit and i know why i say shit.

Debugging can certainly get better. It is already a lot better than it was a 
year ago if you use the tools available. I agree that a C++ application at the 
moment feels more predictable.

> We dont have ANY designer who can code. Yes they CAN hack some javascript 
> yay. But that is exactly the SHIT that costs time.
> Because they can't code, they can only hack some stuff into it, That is 
> untested, in many cases not working and just (if you need to integrate more 
> complex functionality) way to much for them.

Regular designers should not have write code. Web designers with javascript 
skills might have the skill set required. I personally find it a lot easier to 
implement complex UI designs in QML than with C++ though.  Our designers 
usually just send us pretty pictures and tell us how they want it to work. And 
if they ask me to tweak the margin a few pixels, I know it takes me 5 seconds 
to try it out in Qt Quick without having to recompile the whole project. But 
having a designer taking over the actual interface code is probably not a good 
idea. You can keep all your code in .js files if you want to. Perhaps we should 
introduce a flag in Qt Quick that enforces that as a policy. I think the 
majority would prefer the convenience of being able to do a simple signal 
emission inline though.

> So we tried another approach ... we use javascript and html5 and what to say ?
> it works better in our case because there is a separation between layout, 
> look and code.

I thought html5 was every bit as javascript enabled as Qt Quick. But it is 
great that you found a technology that works for your project. Qt supports and 
strongly encourages html5 hybrid development. In fact we are pushing it more 
than ever. It is not the solution for everyone though. I don't think you could 
do a full native looking UI with it for instance.


Jens Bache-Wiig
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