2011/10/11  <kai.koe...@nokia.com>:
>> ...
>> [http://www.mail-archive.com/kde-mobile-users@kde.org/msg00122.html
>> etc.]
> The hints I get from this e-mail is that the issues described aren't really 
> UI related

Yes, off course, and to be fair I'll also happily quote the first
sentence from above posting: "[...] and I am very impressed by the UI
and general look and feel."

The issue seems to be related with an "out of memory" condition and
the system desperatelly trying to kill processes. Off course I don't
want to speculate where this memory leak (or excessive resource usage,
I don't even want to imply that there's a "leak" in the actual sense
somewhere) comes from.

I just could not resist in posting this when I honestly tried to fetch
some screenshots!

It was an unfair "argument" and I'll take it back ;)

> ...
>> Maybe that little mail client is already too complex for QML, even in
>> combination with C++? ...
> Sorry, but this is spreading FUD. It's true that QML builds on top of the 
> JavaScript language. But that doesn't mean that you can blame the JavaScript 
> interpreter for everything :) E.g. object creation doesn't involve 
> JavaScript, simple bindings are optimized away too ...

Well, fear is a strong word, but yes, it pretty much brings it to the
point. People are concerned about the future of a GREAT Qt toolkit!
They have promoted it within their companies, they may depend on it
for a living (I admit: I don't), they simply fell in love with the
ease how to create nice GUIs which work cross-platform, with a
wonderful API (now THAT includes me again).

>> p.s. Sorry, I know my above comment was a bit too cynical. But I saw it fit 
>> my
>> main concerns towards the usage of JavaScript. ...
> Looking forward to some hard evidence :)

Well, I probably have to lower your expectations already, I will not
bring up benchmarks of any sort (even though that would be interesting
to see how a "typical desktop mainwindow" will perform in "real C++"
vs JavaScript/QML).

My concerns are that for the *common* usage of desktop applications,
especially "large scale" applications. Not applications with a dozen
screens and dialogs, I really mean large scale. That starts with
type-unsafety when it comes to data exchange, continues with "named
resources" (dangerous in large projects!), goes over to the dependency
of an additional "interpreted language/engine" (yes, and for sure that
doesn't get *faster* than C++) and more or less stops at having your
GUI logic (and yes, I really said GUI logic, you read that right) in a
....hmmm... "less-than-attractive" "ad-hoc" language which barely
knows about data abstraction (and yes, I AM aware about the latest
ECMAScript 5 which tries to add some of these language features!).

So I will try to come up with some actual use-cases which are
important for me (at least) as a desktop application developper who
cares about type-safety and ease-of-development (and I am sorry to
say, but the existing QWidget/Qt API set the standards and hence the
expectations of a future QML paradigm DAMN HIGH! You may take this as
a huge compliment ;) and try to show you why in all these cases I
absolutely get no extra value by using QML/JavaScript!

I am not going to argue that you won't be able to everything I need
already now or in the future with QML/JavaScript. My argument will go
along the way that a) I can already do everything I need and b) I can
do this in a (IMHO) more convenient/typesafe/maintainable way than
with QML/JavaScript.

But I'll put that in a separate thread later on, where I'll also
question the general assumption which seems to linger here that we
need "more complex UIs" (which seems to be the number one killer
argument) and if we really need so, we can (could) do it with the
"QWidget paradigm" nevertheless, from within ONE language.

More details to come.

Cheers, Oliver

p.s. Yes, some arguments here were heated up (my initial one actually
on purpose to stirr up the flames, as to see whether there was a fire
burning at all), but after all this is a "feedback" channel. Anyway,
I'll hope that arguments like "Script Kiddies" etc. won't be used
anymore, and we all know that QML/JavaScript DOES have it's place -
even on the desktop (I am not even argueing against that, you see ;)
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