Number of parameters for flag is controlled by the last parameter to 
addSupportedFlag(), which is of type QStringList. If this string list is empty, 
the flag accepts no parameters. If it is non-empty, then the flag accepts the 
same number of parameters as there are items in the string list. The string 
list merely specifies the names to give the parameters in the usage/help 

Type checking could be added easily by the client where it is needed. If your 
subclass wants to operate on specific types, then the neat way to do it would 
be to add a member function to your subclass to encapsulate that conversion. 
Your validate() function would normally handle checking whether parameters that 
need to be convertible to a specific type can indeed be converted. For example, 
if there was a flag that was expected to have one parameter that was 
convertible to int, it could fairly trivially be implemented something like 

int  getSomeFlagParam1() const
    // Would normally check that the parameter is convertible to int
    // from within validate()
    return QVariant(flagParameter("someFlag", 0)).toInt();

On 22/10/2011, at 5:18 PM, Иван Комиссаров wrote:

Oops, sorry, it can check flags:)  didn't saw addSupportedFlag method:(
So only issue is type-checking (and number of parameters for flag)

22.10.2011, в 10:15, Иван Комиссаров написал(а):

Hi, your implementation can't automatically check if flags exists (you should 
ask it manually instead, which is painful - adding new flags will require tons 
of if-spagetti) and automatically print usage/help if something is wrong, also 
it doesn't have type-checking of input parameters. Too simple, as for me.

22.10.2011, в 4:29, <<>> 
<<>> написал(а):

On 22/10/2011, at 5:18 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:

On Friday, 21 de October de 2011 16:29:36 Stefan Majewsky wrote:
Moin moin,

it would be nice to have a command line parser in QtCore, i.e. some
class that parses stuff like

./program -vh --long-option --value=5 foo.dat

given some format definition. KCmdLineArgs and KCmdLineOptions from
kdecore do exactly that for KDE programs. I don't have time right now,
but perhaps someone wants to pick up this task?

Hello Stefan

Speaking as QtCore's maintainer, I'll reserve the decision until I see your

A while back, we also found ourselves in need of decent command line parsing. 
It kinda surprised me that Qt didn't offer anything already in this area, since 
it seemed like the sort of thing that Qt would normally provide. So we 
considered our options. Our apps are not KDE apps, so we were not able to look 
there for a solution. We also do not use boost (let's not debate that, it's not 
the point of this post), so we were not able to use their solution either. In 
the end, we decided we needed to write our own, which we did. At the time, I 
had the thought that if we do it right, maybe one day we could consider 
contributing it back to become part of Qt. Funny how things come around......

Let me state a couple of things before going further. The code in question is 
100% our own, so no issues with copyright and contributors, etc. I'd just have 
to get formal approval from our legal people to release it (that would take 
time, but since this code isn't particularly novel, I think I can get that 
approval). Our solution currently supports the main needs for a command line 
parser, but it won't have every bell and whistle people might want. That said, 
I don't think it would be particularly difficult to add support for the main 

With that out of the way, I've put the class definition up on pastebin for 
comment. I've withheld the implementation until I've had a chance to clear it 
with our legal people. In the meantime, I think the interface of the class is 
probably enough to get some feedback on whether people think this has the 
potential to be a viable candidate for a command line parser for Qt:

Note that the code currently does not adhere to the Qt coding guidelines (it 
follows ours instead), but if we do end up contributing it to Qt, then it 
should not be too difficult to bring it into line.

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

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Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

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