At 12:51 PM 10/14/2004, QuadPirate wrote:
Well Jim I thought my comment about sperm being a human life was an obvious joke but I guess not.
There was clearly a punch line.

<sigh> I was just pointing out that a sperm is not a human life so you didn't have to be concerned about ending up in Lucipher's house, at least over sperm. That was my point.

If the process of ivf destroys more human life than it creates it should be abolished altogether.
It seems to me they knowingly are going to destroy human life to give a couple a child so how is this any different than researching the left over embryo to give millions of people relief from suffering and death.

I agree, IVF should be ended. I said that a few days ago responding to Mark Felling when he said
 I believe it would be immoral to create more embryos for the research.  In fact, if you want to attack the morality of the situation you must attack the practices of the fertility clinics.  Focus on the problem at its source not the results. 
If a couple can not conceive a child the natural way then they can adopt an unwanted child that otherwise would have been aborted. IVF results with excess embryos and multiple births. The current supply of extra embryos original created for IVF should be donated to other couples to use for IVF and no more should be created.

Here's a thought, if Bush would've been President when scientist were researching ivf which would have destroyed many embryos without any births would he have blocked Federal Funds for ivf research?
I see no difference.

He probably would have, it seems constant with his views.


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