Tell me about it!
I probably know more about the IMS van doors than anyone on the 
quad site.  I have probably  paid more out for IMS door problems  than
anyone else.
Mine is a 1998, and I have had 4 motors replaced in that time.
Your door not closing is due to possibly two things.  The first and  most 
expensive is the motor does not have the torque to pull the door shut hard  
enough to latch.
The second is the latch itself.  As you go up the ramp look on your  left at 
door frame (the van side and not the door  itself).  You will see a bracket or
latch.  You can clearly see that this latch slides to and  fro. NEVER tighten 
or allow someone at a service station tighten that bracket as it needs to  
to and fro. 
Using a silicone spray (I use 3in1 professional silicone spray)  spray  that 
latch as well as the rollers on top, middle and bottom of door.  Be  careful 
not to let the spray drip down the side of your van.  NEVER use  grease as it 
will get embedded with dirt and WD-40 dries up.  Silicone is  the best.  I do 
mine each month.
If that does not do it, try to loosen the bolt on the latch, but very  
little, you need to have the latch slide freely, but don't overdo it.
If that doesn't do it save $1000 for a motor, pre 2000, but you may be  lucky
and your opener probably utilizes OEM motor.
The main reason that I have so much problem with mine, I was waiting at an  
intersection to make a right turn at an intersection under major  construction. 
 A tractor trailer making a left was about to nail me, I cut  hard to the 
right, the center of the van jumped over a curb and bent the lower  track.
Good luck
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