Amen Angie!  I'm checking the NO on that disabled list too !!!!!  ;-)    Dan H.

Angie Novak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  If I had an out of body experience, I 
don't remember it.  I wouldn't doubt it, though.  I did die many times.  I 
remember hearing a voice when I was in the ICU asking me, "Do you want to stay 
or go?"  I don't think I was informed by this voice of what my life would be, 
(although I do enjoy all that I can every day, despite being trapped in my body 
and behind my eyes), and I replied, (all this happened in my mind, and I saw 
nothing), "No, my family would miss me too much."  This was during a time when 
I was coding every five minutes, literally.  After that, I don't think I was as 

Had I known what my life would be, I still would have stayed.  My family would 
have missed me too much, it would have torn them apart.  Just as it would have 
if what happened to me had happened to my sister.  Which I am extremely happy 
that it didn't.  She wasn't there, but I'm just saying.  

I've thought about it many, many times over the years since my injury, and out 
of all of my family, immediate and extended, I'm glad I'm the one. You have to 
be tough to be like this, as I'm sure everyone here knows.  I don't think any 
of them could handle it.  It would be worse for them, that's why I'm glad it 
was me, if it was going to happen to any of us.
I fully believe there's existence after each life, and that we're reincarnated 
after a time, and that we get to decide when to come back.  I don't believe in 
the Christian beliefs.  Not any more.  Had I not been injured, I would have 
come to that conclusion for myself anyway.  I first questioned it when I was 
seven.  I think the voice was from a guide.  Not from an angel.  I don't buy 
into angels.

I'm looking forward to my next life.  And you can be damn sure that I'm 
requesting, STRONGLY, (if possible), to not have any physical disabilities or 
life-changing traumas in the next one.  I.e. I'll be checking the box under NO 
next to, "spinal cord injury."  I don't think I checked the YES box next to 
that before I was born into this body and life, though.  I think somebody lost 
my paperwork!  Here's hoping that person got fired.  LMAO!

- Angelique Novak    
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